Many European/ Overseas companies are targeting India market to promote their products/ services due to its large population and rising income levels. Hence, we have sales services to help these companies enabling them to promote their products/ services in India.
Partner Search
In the partner search we do partners data search integration and analysis where we identify relevant information about potential partners for a particular client in India and also give our suggestions and recommendations which helps our client to select suitable partner in India.
India is located in Asian Subcontinent and many European/ Overseas companies are either sourcing their products from Asia and or they have local manufacturing in Asia.
India due to its large size and ample resources would be obvious choice of such companies. Some of the products sourced from India are machined components, pressed components, metals & alloys, fasteners, furniture, textiles & garment, cotton, food products, chemicals, telecom and energy products etc.
To give benefit of India as a sourcing destination to our clients we have sourcing services.
Supplier Search
In the sourcing services we do suppliers data search integration and analysis where we identify relevant information about potential suppliers for a particular client in India and also give our suggestions and recommendations which helps our client to source requisite products from India.